I'm Hafizh.
Junior web developer | Student | Tech enthusiast
My Project
Appemas is a website used for making reports about damage to public
Sinigeh is a Blog that contains information about culture and tourism in
Travel guide website prototype designed in Figma. The website expected soon.
Tekkan is a Blog with content featuring articles related to Technology
and Education.
GenerAll is a Blog with content featuring articles related to general
There are more projects on my GitHub that I abandoned due to my laziness :D
About me
Hi there! I'm M. Hafizh Al Kautsar; you can call me Hapis. I am a software engineering student who's
interested in software design and web development. Passionate about making UI/UX designs and
building websites using various frameworks. My goal is to become a full-stack web developer so that
I will not end up being jobless XD.